James Weintraub


James Weintraub

He has served as the mayor of Flemington Borough Planning Board for two consecutive terms. He is now using his expertise and experience to write about sales, marketing, and business strategies on his blog.

What He Do Best


Professional Sales

James Weintraub is an experienced professional salesperson with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. He has worked in the industry for over 15 years, and has built a successful career as a salesperson.

Sales Management

Weintraub has worked with some of the world's most successful companies, helping them to increase profits through effective sales management strategies. He is an advocate for using technology to improve customer service and create better customer experiences. He also believes in using data and analytics to drive decision making in sales organizations.


James Weintraub is a dedicated and passionate volunteer who has been serving the Flemington Borough Planning Board for many years. He has been involved in various projects that have helped improve the quality of life in the borough.